Host Microbiota Omics and Application Group
Tel: +86-10-64807185

02.12.2025 Jingjing finished her classes and joins our lab as a master student, welcome!

02.06.2025 Zekai was away for his classes half year and is back to the lab as a master (and potential PhD) student, welcome Zekai!

12.31.2024 Sad to see Jan is leaving and happy to know he is going to start a new great position. Farewell, Jan!

12.20.2024 After two years trainning, Longyang was selected as a PhD candidate at our lab.

11.01.2024 Dr. Jan Büllesbach from University of Münster joins us as visiting scholar, welcome Jan.

10.23.2024 After two years trainning, Xi was selected as a PhD candidate at our lab.

10.21.2024 Lian joins us as research assistant and is going to be a graduate student at our lab next year, welcome Lian.

10.19.2024 George Dimopoulos from Johns Hopkins University visits our lab and gives a great talk at our institute.

9.7.2024 Dr. Guan-Hong Wang did an interview from Jingmen TV to talk about microbiome and genetic tools for insect industrialization

8.24.2024 Guan-Hong did an interview for mosquito popular science:

8.23.2024 Congrats to Dr. Qiqi Wang and Dr. Dandan Wang who win NSFC funding, proud of you.

08.14.2024 Bo finished his classes and joins our lab as PhD student, welcome!

08.05.2024 Huihui joins our lab as assistant professor after her postdoc trainning from China Agricultural University, welcome Huihui!

07.14.2024 Zekai joins the lab as a master (and potential PhD) student after his bachelor program, welcome Zekai!

07.06.2024 Tingting finished her classes and joins our lab as PhD student, welcome!

07.01.2024 Ziyang joins the lab as a master (and potential PhD) student after his bachelor program in Shandong Agricultural University, welcome Ziyang!

5.27.2024 Dr. Dandan Wang did a great job for her postdoc defense and will continue to work with us as assistant professor. Together for a Shared Future!

5.27.2024 Zhengyu did a great job for his master defense and will go to Zhejiang University for his PhD program, congrats!

5.18.2024 Ronger and Jiahui win Youth Science and Technology Outstanding Paper, Beijing Entomological Society, well deserved!

5.7.2024 Jiahui did a great job for her PhD interview and will continue to finish her PhD degree with us, super congrats!

4.8.2024 Wenting Sun joins our lab as phD student, welcome!

2.28.2024 Qingqing Cheng joins our lab as master student, welcome!

1.8.2024 Lu Sun joins our lab as master student from Hebei Normal University, welcome!

12.27.2023 Guan-Hong joins the Acta Entomologica Sinica Early Career Editorial Board.

12.20.2023 Guan-Hong was selected as a co-director for Journal of Plant Protection Early Career Editorial Board, congrats!

12.15.2023 Guan-Hong joins the Reviewing Editor board of Microbiology Resource Announcements.

11.30.2023 Yanjun's last day in the lab, Farewell, Dr. Liu!

11.20.2023 Yanjun did a great job for her postdoc defense and is going to join Institute of Apicultural Research of CAAS as an assistant professor, congrats!

8.30.2023 Guan-Hong wins Bei Jing Chao Yang District "Phoenix Plan" Young Talent, well deserved!

07.19.2023 Yingqiao joins the lab as a phd student after her master program in Hainan University, welcome Yingqiao!

07.13.2023 Xi was away for his classes almost one year and is back to the lab as a master (and potential PhD) student, welcome Xi!

06.29.2023 Xue-Feng joins the lab as a summer student, welcome Xue-Feng!

06.28.2023 Guan-Hong joins the guest editorial board of PLOS Pathogens.

06.25.2023 Si-Rui joins the lab as a master (and potential PhD) student after her bachelor program in China Agricultural University, welcome Xi!

06.06.2023 Guan-Hong joins the editorial board of mSystems.

06.01.2023 Tingting joins the lab as a phd student after her master program in Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, welcome Tingting!

5.10.2023 Ronger Zheng wins Excellent Students Awards, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2023, well done!

5.7.2023 The Insect-Microbiota Community annual meeting was successfully hold at the Yaao Hotel, Beijing. Guan-Hong Wang is the chairman of The Organization Committee.

5.4.2023 Zhengyu Zhu wins Youth Science and Technology Outstanding Paper, Beijing Entomological Society, well deserved!

2.22.2023 Wang lab is two years old, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

2.15.2023 Jian-Qiu finished his classes and joins our lab as PhD student, welcome!

1.29.2023 Hong-Xin and Long-Yang finished their classes and joins our lab as master student, welcome!

1.19.2023 Sad to see Dr. Chen leaving and happy to know he is going to join another great lab. Farewell, Dr. Chen!

12.29.2022 Guan-Hong joins the editorial board of Microbiology China.

11.18.2022 Yanjun and Dandan win the postdoc funding, congrats!

10.25.2022 Dandan wins the visiting scholarship from Northwest A&F University, congrats!

09.15.2022 Guan-Hong received the lab's first funding from National Key R&D Program of China, well done!

09.08.2022 Guan-Hong received the lab's first funding from National Nature Science Foundation of China, well done!

08.20.2022 Guan-Hong did an interview at Science and Technology Daily on the World Mosquito Day

08.11.2022 Guan-Hong was invited to give a talk at Mr Gut Biotechnolgy Institute

07.23.2022 Dr. Xiang-Guang Chen joined the lab as postdoc after his phD program in China Agricultural University, welcome Dr. Chen!

07.14.2022 Xi joined the lab as a master (and potential PhD) student after his bachelor program in China Agricultural University, welcome Xi!

07.13.2022 Dr. Run-Biao Wu joined the lab as postdoc after his phD program in Southwest University, welcome Dr. Wu!

07.07.2022 Dr. Dandan Wang joined the lab as postdoc after her phD program in Northwest A&F University, welcome Dr. Wang!

6.27.2022 Jia-Hui was away for her classes almost one year and is back yo the lab as a master (and potential PhD) student, welcome Jia-Hui!

06.23.2022 Guan-Hong did an interview at Science and Technology Daily

06.21.2022 Guan-Hong did an interview at Science and Technology Daily

06.15.2022 Guan-Hong did an interview at Science and Technology Daily

06.14.2022 Guan-Hong did an interview at Science and Technology Daily

2.13.2022 Run-Biao Wu from Southwest University will join us this summer as a new postdoc.

2.6.2022 Zheng-Yu finished his classes and joins our lab as a master student, welcome Zheng-Yu!

1.22.2022 Dandan Wang from Northwest A&F University will join us this summer as a new postdoc, can't wait!

1.10.2022 Guan-Hong received the CAS-CSIRO Partnership Joint Project grant (2023-2025).

12.28.2021 Guan-Hong received the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing grant (2022-2024).

12.26.2021 Guan-Hong received the NSFC excellent young scholar program grant (2022-2024).

11.26.2021 Guan-Hong gets the lab's first relatively BIG funding, well done!

09.23.2021 Dr. Qiqi Wang's first day in the lab, welcome Qiqi!

08.26.2021 Warm welcome Ronger Zheng to join our lab as a PhD student. He will be a mosquito GUY.

08.25.2021 Dr. Qiqi Wang firmly accepted our lab postdoc offer and will join us late next month. She got her PhD degree from Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

07.12.2021 Dr. Yanjun Liu joined the lab as postdoc after her phD program in China Agricultural University, and Wenyue Xu joined the lab after her master program in Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Welcome Yanjun and Wenyue!

02.22.2021 WANG lab's door is open at Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences!